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Final Race Instructions 2024

The 10th Anniversary of the Orpington Road Runners High Elms 10K takes place on Sunday 9th June 2024 at 9:30 am. This page contains the Full Race Instructions.


We would like to thank our main sponsor Up and Running for their continued support of our event

Thanks also goes to the following sponsors:



Spectators are most welcome around the course and at the start/finish area. Details of our spectating points can be found at the registration desk.


When walking around the course and watching at the start/finish area, please be mindful that runners may be tired and their reactions could be delayed, meaning they may not be able to immediately stop or slow down for any obstacles. We respectfully ask that spectators’ dogs are kept on a short lead, and children kept close by to avoid any injuries to either runners, spectators or dogs.




Any last-minute updates will be posted on our social media pages, Facebook, Instagram, or X.

If you have any queries that cannot be answered in the Race Instructions, please feel free to ask on our Facebook page, use Messenger or email We will endeavour to answer you as quickly as possible.




The route follows paths though the beautiful nature trails of High Elms Country Park and the surrounding countryside. The course is hilly and challenging in parts, and subject to uneven surfaces. This event is not suitable for running with dogs or buggies. The route can be viewed via the following link


Please ensure you dress appropriately for the conditions on the day, remain vigilant and listen to our friendly marshals around the course. We also request that you retain any waste (gels/hydration packaging) so as not to damage the local eco system and place it in rubbish bibs at the finish. We do not have exclusive use of the park so please be courteous to other users. We do not have right of way over the public.



In accordance with the new Rule introduced by UKA, the use of headphones and earpieces are NOT ALLOWED. RULE 240 S 5 UKA SUPPLEMENT – HEADPHONES. This is to ensure the safety of all our runners across the interchangeable terrain and so that you can hear the marshal’s instructions around the course. Bone conducting headphones will be permitted but please consider having the volume low to ensure instructions can be heard.



Refreshments are available at the Green Roof café near Race Headquarters.

We will also have a cake stall at Race Headquarters selling home baked goods. All proceeds from the stall will go to our chosen charity, St Christopher’s. Please bring your pennies to enjoy our amazing home-baked treats




Race headquarters is in the grounds of High Elms Country Park, Shire Lane, Farnborough BR6 7JH.


Parking is available a short walk from High Elms Country Park in Church Road, Farnborough BR6 7DB. The car park will be open from 8am and will close promptly at 1pm.


Access to Church Road is available from the A21 South via the High Street, Farnborough or the A21 North via Shire Lane. The car park will be clearly signposted from both roads. Please follow the marshal’s instructions on arrival. The car park at High Elms Country Park is NOT available to entrants.  Vehicles and contents are left at the owners own risk


Bike Racks provided by FAB Cycles will be available near the registration area. Please note this will not be supervised, although volunteers will constantly be around the registration village throughout the morning. Please bring a bike lock and use the baggage tent to store other items.


Baggage drop is available at Race Headquarters. This will be supervised, although organisers cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings. If you wish to use this facility, please use the baggage label supplied with your race number. Your bag will only be returned on production of your race number.


Toilet Facilities are also provided. There are no changing facilities available. Please arrive in your running gear.




Race numbers and race chips, are available to collect from 8am.

Registration will close at 9:15 to allow for a prompt start at 9:30. All race number collection points are in alphabetical order.


Race numbers should be pinned to the front of your running vest. Please complete the required information on the reverse using the pens provided, especially any medical information and emergency contact details. We can supply safety pins if required.


Chip timing will take place using a tag. The tag should be attached to the laces of your running shoe. Details of how to do this will be available at the registration desk.


We will have entries available to sell on the morning of race. These will be sold at £23. Registration for on the day entries will open at 8am and will close at 8:45am. Please encourage your friends and club mates to join you in participating in this fundraising event, we’re sure they will enjoy the challenge!



08:00 – 9:15am Collection of Race Numbers and baggage drop

9:15am – Pre-race warm up, which will be conducted by Fran from Flin’s Fitness

9:30am – Race start

10:05am – First runner expected to finish

11am – expected start time for the presentation of Awards

1pm – Car Park closes




Water stations will be available at 4k and 8k and water and bananas will be available at the finish. In a bid to be environmentally friendly and to respect our countryside, all water will be available in bio-degradable cups. Please only take one cup, refills will be readily available.


At this stage, we don’t know what the weather will have in store for us. In the event of the weather being particularly warm, please make sure you are well hydrated before you race.




Qualified first aiders will be located at various points throughout the course and at the finish. If you have any first aid requirements, please make yourself known to a nearby first-aider or marshal who will assist you. Please ensure that your known medical conditions and emergency contact details have been written by you on the reverse of your race number.




When you have crossed the finish line, please follow the funnel to the volunteers who will remove the chip timing from your running shoe.


In an effort to be environmentally friendly we have had our finishers medals made of wood with a memorable and colourful design celebrating our tenth anniversary run. Any unused medals will be returned and recycled by our suppliers.


Prizes are donated by our sponsors Up & Running, Sevenoaks and are given to the first three men and women across the finish line. Our age category prizes are hand carved wooden trophies made from wood harvested in the park. We also give a trophy to the runner who enjoys the most time on our beautiful course.  The age categories we use are:


M: 40-49; 50-59; 60+

F: 35-44; 45-54; 55+


Team prizes are also awarded to the fastest 3 male and 3 female club finishers based on cumulative times*.  All prizes are awarded based on gun times.


*Our men's and women's team awards are given to the first three finishers from the same club.  We total up their finishing place and the lowest total wins.   If there is a tie break, the rounded sum of all times is taken, and the lowest total time wins.  Note that there is potentially a difference with rounding on the printed results sheets and the sum (It happened!) If the times are the same (It happened!!!) the winning team will be the team who has the first finisher across the line.  




Results will be available via chip timing on our website as soon as possible after the race has finished and we have had a chance to verify them before posting.





If you find that you are unable to race; we would be happy to transfer your entry to another runner. Please note, the deadline to arrange this is Saturday 8th June at 11am. Please email with your full name and email address and provide the following details of the person to whom you wish your entry to be transferred:


Full Name (including first and last name)

Date of Birth

Email address


UKA number and affiliated club (if applicable)

Emergency contact details (Name and Mobile number)


Please note that if you email after 11am on 8th June, we will be unable to process the transfer. The person who wishes to run who does not have a valid place can purchase an entry at Race Headquarters on 9th June between 8am and 8:45am.




We are very pleased that each year all profits from the High Elms 10K are donated towards our chosen charity which, this year is

St Christopher’s is a registered charity that supports people across the five London boroughs of Bromley, Croydon, Lambeth, Lewisham, and Southwark. We also seek to transform our understanding of, and engagement with death, dying and loss on a local, national and global scale.


St Christopher’s was established in 1967 as the world’s first modern hospice, by Dame Cicely Saunders, the pioneer of the global palliative care movement. Some of the ways we support our community through our core services each year include:


  • Providing community end-of-life care in people’s homes to 5,000 patients across our five borough catchment

  • Providing specialised 24 inpatient care to 600 patients experiencing acute and complex symptoms at the end of life

  • Making 13,000 community nursing visits

  • Delivering 3,000 outpatient appointments accessing services such as our Complimentary Therapies and Art and Music Therapy

  • Delivering 3,000 video consultations

  • Providing support to over 2,000 carers

  • Providing bereavement support to 2,000 people

  • Providing bereavement counselling to over 250 disadvantaged children

  • Providing art and music therapy to patients and their families

  • Providing holistic care, such as haircuts, massage, physiotherapy, showers, even manicures, to make sure patients still feel like and are treated as people


Each year we receive just 35% of our income from the NHS, so we have to raise £16m a year through various income streams and relying on the generosity of our community of supporters. Every donation we receive will be vital in ensuring our ability to continue providing our outstanding care.


The words of our founder, Dame Cicely Saunders, sums up the ethos that lies at the heart of St Christopher’s, “You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”





If you enjoyed your run around the beautiful countryside of Orpington and the surrounding area, why not become a member of Orpington Road Runners.


Orpington Road Runners is a friendly and welcoming London running club, which meets regularly each week for club runs. Our club provides access to a fantastic network of like-minded runners and will introduce you to many routes you didn't know about.


We offer a range of different organised runs, as well as access to a large and active network or runners who organise their own runs. Whether you would like to join our regular Tuesday club runs, which cater for a range of different abilities through multiple groups, improve your racing with our track sessions, run on Thursday evenings or Friday mornings or explore the countryside on a Sunday morning, there will be a session for you.


Run entirely by volunteers, our membership fee is tremendous value at just £25 per year (including £17 England Athletics membership) or just £6 if you’d like second claim or non-competitive membership. Join us lucky “Orpies” on our lovely trail runs in High Elms and the beautiful countryside beyond as well as our fabulous road runs that cater for a wide range of running abilities.

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